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University of Washington
Office of Minority Affairs
3240 Fort Road
Toppenish, Washington 98948
phone #: 509-865-8670
fax #: 509-865-8675
Loueta Johnson, johnsonl@u.washington.edu
Assistant Director
Andy Pascua, pascuaa@u.washington.edu
Project Administrator
Romie Gonzalez, romieg@u.washington.edu
GEAR UP Program Coordinator
Michael Romero, romero21@u.washington.edu
Contract Analyst
Conan Viernes,
Program Secretary
Raquel Romero,
Program Work Study
Lupe Ochoa,
Site Coordinators
Lori Febus, febusl@gsd.wednet.edu (Granger)
David Mendoza, mendozad@mabton.wednet.edu (Mabton)
Luis Cordero, cordero.luis@evsd90.wednet.edu (East Valley)
Molly Fahlenkamp, mfahlenkamp@gsd404.org (Goldendale)
Mindy Lopez, mlopez@grandview.wednet.edu (Grandview)
Tenya Moravec, tmoravec@sunnyside.wednet.edu (Sunnyside)
Lola Ceja, lceja@toppenish.wednet.edu (Toppenish)
Andy Torres atorres@uniongap.org (Union Gap
Efrain Quiroz efrainq@wapatosd.org (Wapato)
Maricela Guzman Lopez maricelag@wapatosd.org (Wapato
Jeff Brandenburg jbrandenburg@be.wednet.edu (Burlington Edison)
Karen Bruno kbruno@mv.k12.wa.us (Mt. Vernon)
Jennie Honanie tribalgearup@hotmail.com (Yakama Tribal School)
Dana Jarnecke danalj@mtadams.wednet.edu (White Swan)
Sarah Rinaldi rinaldi_s@zsd.wednet.edu (Zillah)